Sunday, May 4, 2014

Jealous 21

November. The month I love the most.Why? well because I'm a hard core narcissist and since I was born on the seventh day of the eleventh month of the year, it is my favorite. 7th November 2013, the day I was waiting for from the time I had turned sixteen was finally here. I was finally 21. I was finally an adult. 21 seemed like a magical number for me. Me being a person who practically resides in her delusional fantasies expected life to change the moment I turned 21. I expected my fairy godmother to come and transform my world. The worst part about reality is that it hits like a tsunami. Anyway, I thought I'd make a list of all the expectations that I had versus the reality that is biting my back. So here it goes...


 Expectation: Being independent. No more parent's permission required.
 Reality:         Mum's still the word. 


  Expectation: Partying wild.
  Reality:         Sleepover with girl friends watching movies and gossiping.


  Expectation: No more curfew time.
  Reality:         Pfft!! You wish!


  Expectation: Can't wait for Saturday. *wink wink*
  Reality:         Yea I'm just going to sleep at home because the pillows and
                         blankets consider me one of their own.


  Expectation: Saving and investing every month.
  Reality:         The bank statement shows a lol below the balance.


  Expectation: Shop till you drop.
  Reality:         The only thing that drops during shopping is your jaw after seeing
                        price tag. Oh and also your expectations, they drop too! :P


   Expectation: Going on long road trips with friends
   Reality:         Going to movie theater 4 km away from home totally makes
                         up for it.*yea right*


   Expectation: Missed call from's going to be cool.
   Reality:         Lol joke. This is spaaartttaaaa! *sigh*


   Expectation: Drink and get high and finally know what a hangover feels like.
   Reality:         Umm.. Does Pepsi count? ;)


    Expectation: Smoking? Sure why not?
    Reality:         Incense sticks and tandoor smoke here I come!! :D


     Expectation: Being in a committed serious relationship
     Reality:         Ice cream and shoes I love you! :')


     Expectation: Being a level headed strong independent lady
     Reality:         Being your parent's lil princess.

Maybe my fairy godmother got stuck in a tree somewhere and she will probably find me before my 22nd birthday.. Till then I gotta live with my reality which ain't bad as I claim it to be,because I know there are many other nerds living the same "swag" life as me! Hi 5 to all you people out there! I feel y'all! ;)



My friend and me were discussing the various ways in which feminists are stereotyped. As annoying as it gets, it has its moments too..The problem with me is I am allergic to bull shit and instead of a rash, I break out in sarcasm. And when I get sarcastic or furious, I write so it is a blessing in disguise for me! :P Anyway,here are a few things that I face as a feminist:

1.Yes, I’m a feminist, yes, I believe in equality but that doesn’t mean I totally despise chivalry. A little chivalry at times can go a long way. No, I’m not asking a guy to be macho and open the doors, pull a chair or take the tab always, but a little civility and gentility does not hurt.

2.My views on equality are frequently questioned by many and I’m also accused of being a hypocrite when it comes to my opinion on physical abuse. So why is it that I’m against physical abuse of a woman by a man? Why is it that a woman can hit a man but if a man does the same it would be called abusive and cheap? Well firstly, I’m totally against anyone hurting anyone for no reason. If anyone hits a person in self defense it is fine, irrespective of the gender.  But if a man just randomly hits a lady thinking she isn’t strong enough, it shows his character more than anything else. Same goes for a lady.  So basically my point is physical abuse is wrong be it against a female, male or an animal.

3.No, I do not advocate feminism because it is “the in-thing” or “it is so in Vogue”. A huge misconception that people in general have is that feminism is a fad that goes around for some time and then eventually dies down. Seriously guys, get this straight it is feminism we are talking about, not some random epidemic or plague going around the village.

4.Just because I’m a feminist does not mean I do not respect customs or believe in god. If that is what you think it means, then you urgently need to get yourself a dictionary. A non believer in god is called an atheist not a feminist. For the last time a feminist can also be very religious and god fearing so kindly stop stereotyping.

5.We feminists are also labeled as uptight and boring. Honestly if being opinionated is as good as being lackluster then Golden Globe for the “most boring woman” would be shared by Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres.

6.Another common delusion is that men cannot be feminists. And if a man fights for a feministic cause then he gains the “oh so not manly” title. People living in their own delusional fantasies, kindly open your eyes and look around. Almost all famous and gorgeous men are hard core feminists.

PS: Thank you Supraja for the fab topic. It feels great venting out. 
To know more about the problems us feminists face kindly click the link below.. It's the secret route to the chamber of secrets.. :P