November. The month I love the most.Why? well because I'm a hard core narcissist and since I was born on the seventh day of the eleventh month of the year, it is my favorite. 7th November 2013, the day I was waiting for from the time I had turned sixteen was finally here. I was finally 21. I was finally an adult. 21 seemed like a magical number for me. Me being a person who practically resides in her delusional fantasies expected life to change the moment I turned 21. I expected my fairy godmother to come and transform my world. The worst part about reality is that it hits like a tsunami. Anyway, I thought I'd make a list of all the expectations that I had versus the reality that is biting my back. So here it goes...
Expectation: Being independent. No more parent's permission required.
Reality: Mum's still the word.
Expectation: Partying wild.
Reality: Sleepover with girl friends watching movies and gossiping.
Expectation: No more curfew time.
Reality: Pfft!! You wish!
Expectation: Can't wait for Saturday. *wink wink*
Reality: Yea I'm just going to sleep at home because the pillows and
blankets consider me one of their own.
Expectation: Saving and investing every month.
Reality: The bank statement shows a lol below the balance.
Expectation: Shop till you drop.
Reality: The only thing that drops during shopping is your jaw after seeing
price tag. Oh and also your expectations, they drop too! :P
Expectation: Going on long road trips with friends
Reality: Going to movie theater 4 km away from home totally makes
up for it.*yea right*
Expectation: Missed call from's going to be cool.
Reality: Lol joke. This is spaaartttaaaa! *sigh*
Expectation: Drink and get high and finally know what a hangover feels like.
Reality: Umm.. Does Pepsi count? ;)
Expectation: Smoking? Sure why not?
Reality: Incense sticks and tandoor smoke here I come!! :D
Expectation: Being in a committed serious relationship
Reality: Ice cream and shoes I love you! :')
Expectation: Being a level headed strong independent lady
Reality: Being your parent's lil princess.
Maybe my fairy godmother got stuck in a tree somewhere and she will probably find me before my 22nd birthday.. Till then I gotta live with my reality which ain't bad as I claim it to be,because I know there are many other nerds living the same "swag" life as me! Hi 5 to all you people out there! I feel y'all! ;)
Expectation: Being independent. No more parent's permission required.
Reality: Mum's still the word.
Expectation: Partying wild.
Reality: Sleepover with girl friends watching movies and gossiping.
Expectation: No more curfew time.
Reality: Pfft!! You wish!
Expectation: Can't wait for Saturday. *wink wink*
Reality: Yea I'm just going to sleep at home because the pillows and
blankets consider me one of their own.
Expectation: Saving and investing every month.
Reality: The bank statement shows a lol below the balance.
Expectation: Shop till you drop.
Reality: The only thing that drops during shopping is your jaw after seeing
price tag. Oh and also your expectations, they drop too! :P
Expectation: Going on long road trips with friends
Reality: Going to movie theater 4 km away from home totally makes
up for it.*yea right*
Expectation: Missed call from's going to be cool.
Reality: Lol joke. This is spaaartttaaaa! *sigh*
Expectation: Drink and get high and finally know what a hangover feels like.
Reality: Umm.. Does Pepsi count? ;)
Expectation: Smoking? Sure why not?
Reality: Incense sticks and tandoor smoke here I come!! :D
Expectation: Being in a committed serious relationship
Reality: Ice cream and shoes I love you! :')
Expectation: Being a level headed strong independent lady
Reality: Being your parent's lil princess.
Maybe my fairy godmother got stuck in a tree somewhere and she will probably find me before my 22nd birthday.. Till then I gotta live with my reality which ain't bad as I claim it to be,because I know there are many other nerds living the same "swag" life as me! Hi 5 to all you people out there! I feel y'all! ;)